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the hike sounds like so much fun but I would be so scared of the wild animals.

the bombe sounds great too!


Sounds like a hike was in order after all the goodies. Being chased by a bear would really burn up those calories!

Like your new format.


Yet another delicious sounding entry.


That hike sounds like fun and a good way to burn off all those calories! I want to try your Peanut Brittle recipe but why do you have to wipe off the syrup with your hand? at first I thought you had to do it while cooking which seemed a bit dangerous but when I reread it I realized that you do it before you turn on the heat! Boy am I silly!


I viewed it again and I became more impressed with her work.

Did you see top chef?


The bombe really does sound like "da bomb". One time I had a snickers bar deep fried at a fair. Now that was amazing. Your peanut brittle sounds easy to make and quite tasty. Before I forget, your March calendar is wrong.



Let' have a little fun !

Sean Butcher

Peanut brittle! Yay! Who doesn't like the sweet and crunchy taste of genuine, home-made peanut brittle. But remember, too much of it can be harmful to the teeth. Eating in moderation is okay, though.

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