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Glad to hear that everyone is coming out of hibernation and getting ready to enjoy the new season ... I'm sure this cake will help greatly!

And thanks again for posting that candied kumquats recipe. You should have seen the look on my face at work (yes sometimes I read blogs at work ...) when I saw your post after I had just been thinking about kumquats! Freaky!


All I can say is wow for this cake.


this was hilarious haha "Mexican Chocolate Cake"


Mountain people and cake, now that is Americana at it's most glorious! Thanks for bringing me back to ol' Rocky Top:

"ain't no smoke nor smog
on Rocky Top-ain't no telephone bill

Rocky Top you'll always be home sweet home to me-
good ol' Rocky Top, Rocky Top Tennesee!"


Good crew it's cool :) ben gay 4842


eNtq8b prevved urar


It is pretty! 8-) Keep up a good job!

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