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Must have a hot cross bun for Good Friday--tradition you know. Went into the Paperback Cafe in Old Saybrook--saw just one left and announced "I'll have that one last hot cross bun". Was told "sorry just a sample, come back later". Places to go and things to do, "later" never came. Maybe next year.

Your recipe has me drooling.


Happy Easter Chickadee! Another fine entry.


yum. and I love how you know your stuff, I never heard of Hot-Cross buns till now.

Aunt Ginny

Aunt Sue brought half-cross buns for Easter, meaning, she burnt the hot cross buns and had to cut off the bottoms, delicious just the same


What a beautiful post, Maura.

I knew very little about the origin of hot cross buns.

We love hot cross buns and I've always wanted to try them but have never been able to find a recipe that isn't incredibly intimidating.

Your recipe is going on my list of ones to try.

You've also enticed me to put "The Wicker Men" on my to buy list!


"One a-penny two a-penny hot-crossed-buns." One of my favorite tunes and treats!

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