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I'm on my way!


Can't beat the mussels with linguine and believe it or not, the best roast beef on the shoreline--at a fish and chip joint!


I think if I were on Death Row I'd pick the Clam Strip Roll platter as my final meal.


This almost makes me almost like clams.

shuna fish lydon

It was in one of these wooden shacks between Long Beach and Oceanside that my mother fed me my first raw clams. I think I was 5. Or 6.

When I go back to NY this is what I long for.


I have been to bills seafood and I have to say .I like the rowdy potbelled calm-loven men the best. I would love to marry one. Just kidding.Mauras cousin Ann

a stranger

cant you get some healthy baked stufffed clams but with out butter havin to add


I rote in August that I have been to Bills seafood . But what I ment to say was that I liked the rowdy potbelled clam-loven men the best. But the seafood there is good.Ann

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