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I love the image of you smashing walnuts with a hammer! The torte sounds very fall and very delicious!


How did you know that I have always wanted to make this???

I can only imagine how delicious it tasted.


Want to make that when you come over? Just joking and can't wait to see you.


We just got back from our trip to Wisconsin and did I ever have some catching up to do! Those pumpkin pancakes sound really delicious! Erve bannana or blueberry pancakes and people may chagrin a bit, but a pumpkin pancake. Oh my! A pumpkin pancake will turn heads clear around! I also began your story "My Friend, The Walnut". It sounds like a good read, and I hate to be such a stickler and all, but you may want to change that picture. Those are not walnuts. They are actually hickory nuts. Most people will not know the difference, but I do. If you don't want to change the picture that is quite all right, I can read all about the walnut recipe, and just say "hickory" whenever I come to "wal" and the recipe will still be the same. I hope the autumn has been as good to you as it has for me and my family. Enjoy the season.


walnuts with Hagann Daaz chocolate ice cream: delicious!


I have a bunch I need to hull out of the black walnuts green covering.

Man do they ever mess up your hands if you don't wear gloves.

THis sounds like something I would love to try with them.


That sounds fabulous!


My NEW BF let me take a peek at his mothers recipes ,Said his favorite was a "Walnut torte " 3 layers with a whiskey icing . He said it was a cake his Mom made for him .I really want to make this for him However the recipe calls for No Flour And lots of seperated eggs ,Small amounts of various spices and some coffee grinds ??? Am I missing something ?? How is this supposed to make a batter for a 3 layer cake ????

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